Some Kind Of Peace

friends-clipart-9There is a wealth of information available to us about healthy living. Turn on any device and something will pop up. We’ve got gluten-free, vegan, and low fat products, shakers, blenders juicers, herbs and vitamins of every kind. We’ve got numerous practitioners and health venues: Fitness coaches, yoga teachers, pilates studios, assisted workouts, slow cookers/ gardening books, and all in one exercise machines. Most of us know what to do…..

The difficulty that arises for many of us, is follow through with our already made healthy decisions. Many of us fall into patterns of initial devotion, passive rebellion, avoidance, shame, defeat, and self blame. I believe we need people and safe environments so that we can talk honestly about how we’re doing with our practices. Let’s speak about how we don’t feel like exercising, confess our donut and/or sugary, salty cravings, the feelings of loneliness or fear that drive the cravings, our comparisons at the gym, our unused gym memberships, and our uncomfortable feelings in yoga class. We need to find acceptance of where we are truly at.

What helps me gain acceptance and enthusiasm are community and fun partnerships woven into my healing. I want to rely on others for accountability and support to help me follow through with what I have chosen. I need to cook with my friends, share food I have made, walk together, take yoga classes, and develop doable and honest lifestyle practices.